Sunday October 15 there will be
a special meeting at ALC—
The American Lutheran Congregation
Council has been working on a revision
to the By-laws of the Congregation’s
Constitution. The proposed revisions
will result in a re-organization of
the council structure. A proposal for
the revision of Chapters 6 and 11 of
the By-Laws has been approved by the
Congregation Council to be submitted
for a vote of the congregation
(members only). The Congregation
Council calls for a special Congregation
Meeting to vote upon the motions
forwarded by the Council for the
revision of Chapters 6 and 11 of the
By-laws, to be held on Sunday,
October 15 following the worship service.
According to the constitution (C10.02)
“Only the business for which a special
meeting has been called shall be transacted
at the meeting.” Copies of the proposed
revisions are available to be picked up
in the office at any time, or upon request,
can be received by e-mail.
All ALC members, both full members and
associate members, age over 18 years old,
are voting members.