Bible Study
Bible study on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 is a long standing tradition in ALC. This meeting uses zoom to allow a larger number of people to participate. There is also an evening Bible study meeting at 19:00. also using Zoom videoconferencing. Information about how to log-in will be sent out with the Tuesday e-mail. Please join us!
Prayer Group
The prayer list is sent out regularly as it is updated, and we encourage people to pray at home. There is certainly much to pray for!
Moms In Prayer
We’re a group of mothers at the ALC who meets regularly to pray for our children. We’ve registered this group at and use their four step prayer as the basis for our meetings which typically last an hour. We welcome any mothers with children any age who would like to join us in prayer. The main purpose with our group is…
• To pray that our children will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, then stand boldly in their faith
• To pray for teachers and school staff
• To pray that teachers, administrative staff, and students would come to faith in Jesus Christ
• To provide support and encouragement to moms (especially those who carry heavy burdens for their children)
You’re invited to pray with us! It doesn’t matter if you are new to structured prayer sheets or uncomfortable praying out loud in front of others. The important thing is that we get together and pray for each others children and families. There is no perfect way to pray. God calls us to deepen our relationship with him by speaking with him about our hopes, worries, dreams and fears – either with our voices or silently in our hearts.
We typically bring our children and meet up at someone’s house for a prayer session based on the chosen prayer sheet/theme. Currently, our group meets up Tuesdays on a bi-weekly basis. The schedule is flexible and reflects the participating mothers. For more information about Moms In Prayer (MIP) International at
If you are interested and would like to learn more about our group, please contact who will forward to the program coordinator.