Voluntary service is at the heart of our Christian community. We have many needs in the church and we depend on your help to take care of our church. Some people find the opportunity to serve in ways that align with their talents. Others simply respond to a need that they see (for instance taking out the trash or handing out the bulletins on Sunday morning). Some volunteering requires a longer-term commitment, like our Sunday School. Others are short-term, temporary, like giving someone a lift home after church. All of it is important.
We need a fellowship hour volunteer(s) who can prepare coffee, tea, and waffles, volunteer(s) to set up holy communion, Your donation of altar flowers is also very welcome. A lector reads lessons during worship service and we have a lector coordinator, her name is Ragnhild (Tulla) Roderburg. If you like to read lessons on Sunday, please contact her through the Church Office. You can find many sign-up sheets on the bulletin board at ALC. If you are new and need instructions, you are still very welcome. Please just contact the Church Office, tel. 22443584 or send an email to office(a)
We welcome new and old friends at ALC. We hope you can find an area that
you like to get involved in it.
Work Day
Get Involved
We’re blessed with lots of talent at the ALC and many of our members do a fantastic job helping out and getting involved. Helping our church in it’s ministry is a responsibility we all share.
Are you willing to share your gifts and a little part of your time in ministry of ALC? There are many people who are volunteering at ALC and we would like to welcome you to join us!
Please fill out Time and Talent Sheet in the Narthex area in the church and tell us about your gifts! Some people have filled it out already and we received your kind offer. Alternatively you can use this online Volunteer Form.
A third option is to simply send an email to the office, without filling out the form. The different ministries in the church are loosely divided between these chairs