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God’s SPA

What: a Retreat for Women of all ages and journeys in life who desire a faith-filled weekend of renewal through prayer.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed
by the renewal of your mind” Romans 12:2a

Our Facilitator:
Caroline Corda-Razat, an American with over a decade of experience leading women’s
faith-based retreats, small groups and leadership meetings. She is also active in the “Moms in Prayer International” ministry (f.k.a. Moms in Touch). Caroline lives in Paris with her family.

When: August 30th and 31st 2013, Friday 17-20.30 and Saturday 9h-17h

Cost: NOK 300 to cover retreat materials, meals (Friday evening, Saturday morning and lunch) and refreshments. However, finances should not be a barrier – contact ALC.
Payment can be made to ALC bank account number 7001.06.85956.

Where: American Lutheran Church ALC: Hanson Hall, Fritznersgate 15, 0264 Oslo, Norway

For public Transportation check the website:

For registration you can also send following information to office @ with:
Name, Address, Phone, Email
Day care provided as demand requires. If interested, please list age of child(ren) in your RSVP