Children’s Christmas Worship on
Sunday, 17 December at 11:00
The ALC’s children will be leading our
worship service as they sing Christmas
songs and offer special music.
Practices for the Children’s Christmas Worship
will take place on:
-Sunday, 3 December
-Sunday, 10 December
The children will practice during Sunday School and
during Fellowship Hour (after worship) in the sanctuary.
There will be six slots in the worship for
children or youth to share their musical
talents with congregation.
Please contact Pastor Joel at:
pastor (AT) to sign-up for a slot.
We also need Christmas treats to serve during Fellowship that morning.
Like last year, the children will also sing that evening in the:
Yuletide Chorale Concert
Sunday, 17 December at 17:00
The children will sing the same songs
they sang during worship in the morning.
They should wear a nice outfit for both
Sunday Worship and the Yuletide Chorale Concert.