ALC’s constitution and bylaws are amended after the vote at the congregation meeting in October. The new edition is now available at the church office.
ALC’s constitution and bylaws are amended after the vote at the congregation meeting in October. The new edition is now available at the church office.
Sunday October 15 there will be a special meeting at ALC— The American Lutheran Congregation Council has been working on a revision to the By-laws of the Congregation’s Constitution. The proposed […]
2017 Nominating Committee Convened – CR 1-2016 revised The ALC’s Nominating Committee for 2017 was convened on Sunday, September 10. The Nominating Committee will be seeking to find candidates for […]
Congregation Council Announcement For your information: The ALC Council is working on an update of the Bylaws of the Congregation’s Constitution, which will result in a reorganization of the council […]