Lenten Mid-week Soup Supper & Worship Service
Wednesdays, March 8 – April 5; Soup at 18:00, Worship at 19:00
Supper and Worship both take place in Hanson Hall.
We need assistance! Every Wednesday we need two soups, bread and butter.
Please sign-up to provide a soup, or bread & butter. The sign up sheet is now on the bulletin board. Beverages provided by the Church.
Lent Booklet will be available at the end of February! We are using a good Lent Booklet from Luther Seminary this year.
Pastors Joel and Emily will be leading us
through the themes of : “We are the Church,” “We are One in Christ,”
“We are Holy,” “We are Catholic,” and “We are Apostolic.” Each theme
will help us to look more fully how we are, and how we act as the church on earth.
Each Wednesday there will be an all-ages craft to be worked on after
supper, before the Worship begins. The craft each week will be
directly tied into that evening’s theme and our faith lives.
Thank you for signing up for making Soup! We will need two soups,
bread and butter each Wednesday night. If you can help, please contact
the Church Office or sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board.
SOUP SUPPER, signed up as of Monday 21.03.:
Wednesday March 8
1. Toril and Bob
2. Ajay, John
Wednesday March 15
1. Mel
2. Olive
Wednesday March 22
1. Mabel
2. Joved
Wednesday March 29
1. Marielle
2. Ingrid
Wednesday April 5
1. Rhonda