Easter events at ALC
Sunday April 9 —Palm & Passion Worship – 11:00 am
Procession of the Palms & Reading of Christ’s Passion
Thursday April 13— Maundy Thursday—Sedar Meal at 18:00 at ALC
Please read the attached announcement about the event (below).
Friday April 14—Good Friday Worship – 10:00 am at St. Edmund’s Church.
(Address: Møllergata 30 , 0179 Oslo)
The Seven Last Words of Christ (This service is shared with our brothers
& sisters from St. Edmund’s Anglican Church)
Easter Sunday April 16 — Easter Breakfast Egg dish potluck – 09:30 am
Easter Worship – 11:00 am at ALC
The Celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord!
Seder Meal, Maundy Thursday – ATTACHMENT:
The ALC is planning a Seder meal on Maundy Thursday 13 April, 6 p.m.
Please make a note of this on your calendar, and plan to sign up if you will be in town.
What is the Seder meal, and why is this relevant to us as Christians?
After the Lord lead His people out of captivity from Egypt 3,500 years ago,
He commanded that this event be remembered with a feast called Passover. It is called
the Passover since the last of the ten plagues was where the angel of death “passed over”
those houses that had the blood of a lamb on their door posts:
“The LORD spoke to Moses in the Desert of Sinai in the first month of the second year
after they came out of Egypt. He said, “Have the Israelites celebrate the Passover at the
appointed time. Celebrate it at the appointed time, at twilight on the fourteenth day of
this month, in accordance with all its rules and regulations.” Numbers 9:2-3 (NIV)
Jesus was an observant Jew. It was for the Passover celebration that Jesus went up to
Jerusalem, and it was a traditional Passover meal, the Seder, that was the Last Supper.
“When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them,
‘I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will
not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.’ ” Luke 22:14-16 (NIV)
The Passover meal is referred to the as the “Seder”. In Hebrew this means “order”. The
Seder was established over 3,500 years ago, and has not changed appreciably over the
last 2,000 years. Jesus went beyond the commonly held Jewish understanding of this
celebration. He indicated to his disciples how this meal depicted his imminent death and
Traditionally, the Seder is a family meal, with, and for the children. Children are
welcome to our Seder, yet they should be old enough to sit still during a long meal with
The menu will consist of roasted leg of lamb, rice, vegetables, salad, and dessert. Wine
and non-alcoholic wine will be served. Adults: kr. 200,- and children: kr. 75,-, or a
family rate of kr. 500,-
Please look for the signup sheets on the church bulletin board. We need to know how
many will be attending to order the right amount of food. If you are able to help out with
the meal or set-up, please contact the Church Office.
Join us for the Seder meal, and learn about this Jewish feast and its profound impact on
the Christian Church.